‘THIRD STRIKER’ WHO BEAT THE SYSTEM TWICE FINALLY CONVICTED OF MURDER: Effrum Maland Burnett, a violent felon previously classified as a ‘third striker,’ has been convicted of second-degree murder for the fatal stabbing of Toye Mim Jones in 2023. This conviction comes despite a judge’s controversial decision to dismiss Burnett’s prior felony strikes, allowing him to participate in a rehabilitation program.

Key Takeaways

  • Effrum Maland Burnett, 53, was convicted of second-degree murder with a special enhancement for the killing of Toye Mim Jones.
  • Burnett had prior felony convictions for kidnapping and robbery, which were dismissed by a judge in 2020.
  • The judge’s decision to allow Burnett into a rehabilitation program faced strong objections from prosecutors.
  • Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer criticized the judge’s decision, citing public safety risks.
  • Burnett faces up to life in prison, with sentencing set for July 19.

The Incident

Effrum Maland Burnett, along with Christina Roberts and another man, went to a sober living home in Anaheim to retrieve a 2009 Dodge Ram truck that Roberts claimed was hers. During a physical confrontation, Burnett stabbed Toye Mim Jones five times, resulting in Jones’ death at the scene.

Prior Convictions and Dismissal

Burnett had two prior strikes for kidnapping and robbery convictions in Los Angeles County. In April 2018, an Orange County judge granted Burnett’s request to dismiss these prior strikes, allowing him to participate in the Whatever It Takes Court program. This program was not intended for individuals with serious prior strikes, but the judge made an exception, leading to the dismissal of Burnett’s felony robbery and residential burglary cases in December 2020.

Prosecutors’ Objections

Prosecutors had strongly objected to the judge’s decision to allow Burnett into the rehabilitation program, citing his violent criminal history as a significant public safety risk. Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer emphasized the dangers of allowing dangerous criminals into such programs and criticized the judge for not considering the facts and criminal history adequately.

Public Safety Concerns

The case has sparked a debate about the effectiveness of collaborative court programs and the need for judges to carefully evaluate the individuals they allow into such programs. While rehabilitation programs can offer potential benefits, ensuring public safety should remain a top priority. The tragic outcome of Jones’ death serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of such decisions.

Sentencing and Future Implications

Burnett now faces up to life in prison for the murder of Toye Mim Jones, with sentencing set for July 19. The case underscores the importance of balancing potential rehabilitation benefits with public safety concerns. It also highlights the need for greater scrutiny in evaluating individuals’ eligibility for rehabilitation programs, as emphasized by District Attorney Todd Spitzer’s criticisms.

The case of Effrum Maland Burnett serves as a cautionary tale about the potential risks of allowing individuals with serious criminal histories into collaborative court programs. Despite objections from prosecutors and warnings about Burnett’s criminal history, a judge granted his request to dismiss his prior strikes, ultimately leading to the fatal stabbing of Toye Mim Jones. The case underscores the importance of judges balancing potential benefits with protecting public safety when making decisions about individuals’ eligibility for such programs.


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