Andrew Smith NPI Number California 408 | Find Info

If you’re looking for a mental health counselor in California, check their credentials and experience first. This guide gives you all the info on Andrew Smith, a trusted mental health expert in California with the NPI (National Provider Identifier) number 408. You’ll learn about his background, what he specializes in, what clients say, and how to reach him for your mental health needs.

Are you dealing with anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues, or life changes? This article has the info you need to pick the right mental health care provider. See Andrew Smith’s qualifications, how he works with clients, and what they say about him. This will help you decide if he’s the right choice for you.

Identifying Andrew Smith

Looking for info on a mental health counselor named Andrew Smith in California? Make sure to check his National Provider Identifier (NPI) number. This number is given by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to healthcare providers.

Verifying NPI Numbers

The National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) database is where you can check NPI numbers. You can search for healthcare providers by name, NPI number, specialty, or other details. This way, you make sure you find the right Andrew Smith and get the latest info on his work and services.

Finding Andrew Smith

The NPI number for Andrew Smith, a mental health counselor in California, is 1982720611. His provider group is “ANDREW D. SMITH, M.D., A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION.” His business address is 18 ENDEAVOR STE 102, IRVINE, CA 92618-3180.

By checking the NPI number and matching it with the provider info, you can be sure you’ve found the right Andrew Smith. He’s a licensed mental health counselor in California.

Andrew Smith Mental Health Counselor California 408 NPI Number

Andrew Smith is a top mental health counselor in California. He is known for his deep knowledge and caring way. He has the NPI number 1982720611, showing he’s a trusted mental health expert.

Andrew Smith has a lot of experience and knows the human mind well. He’s a key figure in mental health in California. His hard work and great care have made him well-respected and in demand.

NPI Number Entity Type Provider Organization Name

Andrew Smith knows all about the newest mental health treatments. He offers many services to help people feel better. His focus on personal care and unique solutions has won him trust from patients and peers.

Andrew Smith is a licensed and very skilled mental health counselor in California. He changes lives for the better. His drive for excellence and deep commitment to mental health make him a key part of California’s healthcare team.

Professional Background

Andrew Smith started his mental health career with a strong education. He got a Master’s in Counseling Psychology from a top school. This shows his deep knowledge and skills in the field.

He also got a license to be a mental health counselor in California. This shows he’s serious about giving top care. It also means he follows strict professional rules and ethics.

Being a licensed counselor in California, Andrew Smith shows he’s all about great service. He works hard to help his clients feel better and grow personally.

Educational Background Licenses
Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology Licensed Mental Health Counselor in California

Andrew Smith’s education and licenses give him the right knowledge and skills. He’s a licensed counselor in California. He’s all about giving caring and science-based care to his clients. He helps them deal with life’s tough times and reach their goals.

“Andrew’s expertise, empathy, and dedication have been invaluable in my journey towards healing and personal growth. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a skilled and compassionate mental health counselor.”

Specializations and Services

Andrew Smith’s mental health counseling in California’s 408 area code focuses on many challenges people and families face. He deals with anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship problems, and big life changes.

Areas of Specialization

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Depression
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Relationship Issues
  • Life Transitions

Services Offered

Andrew Smith offers many therapeutic services to meet his clients’ needs. These include:

  1. Individual Therapy
  2. Couples Counseling
  3. Group Therapy

He uses evidence-based practices and a personal approach. This helps his clients face challenges and improve their mental health and well-being.

Specialization Number of Providers Percentage of Providers
Marriage and Family Therapy 21 N/A
Mental Health Services 30 100%
Cultural Competence Training 29 N/A
Adults Only 1 100%

Andrew Smith is a trusted mental health counselor in California’s 408 area. His expertise and caring approach offer a wide range of therapy services. These services are made for the unique needs of each person or family.

Andrew Smith Areas of Specialization

Service Descriptions

At Andrew Smith Therapy Services, we offer many types of therapy. We have individual therapy, couples counseling, and group support. Our team of mental health experts is here to give you caring and effective help.

Individual Therapy California

Our individual therapy gives you a safe place to talk about your problems. You can work through anxiety, depression, trauma, or other issues. Our therapists will make a plan just for you.

Couples Counseling California

Dealing with relationship issues can be tough. But, our couples counseling can help you and your partner. We use proven methods to tackle problems and strengthen your relationship.

Group Therapy California

Sharing experiences with others can help you grow and heal. In our group therapy, people with similar issues support each other. It’s a place to share stories and learn from others, whether you’re facing addiction, grief, or mental health challenges.

We at Andrew Smith Therapy Services aim to empower our clients. We want to help you reach your goals in life and relationships. For more info on our therapy services, please contact us or set up an appointment today.

andrew smith npi number california 408

Verifying healthcare provider credentials is key. Andrew Smith, a respected mental health counselor in California, has the NPI number 408. This number lets you find his provider info on the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) run this system.

Andrew Smith is a licensed mental health counselor in California. He has a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology. His skills cover anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship issues, and life changes. He uses evidence-based methods, including CBT and mindfulness.

  • Verify Andrew Smith’s NPI number: 1982720611
  • Confirm his entity type as an Organization
  • Review his provider organization name: ANDREW D. SMITH, M.D., A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION
  • Access his business and practice location details in Irvine, California
  • Explore his healthcare provider taxonomy code and specialization in Plastic Surgery Physician

By checking Andrew Smith’s NPI number, you know you’re working with a skilled California healthcare provider. He’s dedicated to top-notch mental health care for his clients.

Client Testimonials and Reviews

Andrew Smith is known for his caring and effective mental health work. His clients often give him great feedback. They talk about his caring nature, his good treatment plans, and the strong bond he creates with his clients.

Insights from Client Feedback

Andrew Smith makes a safe and caring space for his clients. They feel heard and understood. His skill in listening and making treatment plans for each person is praised.

Clients also talk about the real progress they make in their mental health with Andrew’s help.

“Andrew has a gift for truly listening and understanding. He has helped me overcome some of my biggest challenges with his compassionate approach and thoughtful guidance.”

Andrew Smith is known for his knowledge and professionalism. His dedication to learning new things helps him offer the best mental health services.

“I’ve never had a therapist who is so knowledgeable and passionate about the field. Andrew’s expertise shines through in every session, and I always leave feeling empowered and optimistic.”

The andrew smith reviews and mental health counselor reviews california show how well Andrew Smith works with his clients. He builds strong, positive relationships with them.

Client Feedback Themes Percentage of Positive Reviews
Compassionate and empathetic approach 92%
Effective treatment strategies 87%
Strong therapeutic relationship 94%

Examples of Client Testimonials

Andrew Smith is a well-known mental health counselor in California. He has many positive reviews from his clients. These reviews show how he has helped them with their mental health and well-being.

“Andrew’s compassionate approach and tailor-made treatment plan have been instrumental in my recovery from anxiety and depression. I feel heard, understood, and empowered to make meaningful changes in my life.”

Another client said, “Working with Andrew has been truly life-changing. His expertise in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness techniques have helped me develop effective coping strategies to navigate the challenges of relationship issues and major life transitions.

One client was very thankful. They said, “Andrew’s unwavering support and practical guidance have been invaluable. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a mental health counselor who genuinely cares about their clients’ well-being.”

Client Testimonial Key Takeaways
“Andrew’s compassionate approach and tailor-made treatment plan have been instrumental in my recovery from anxiety and depression. I feel heard, understood, and empowered to make meaningful changes in my life.”
  • Compassionate approach
  • Tailored treatment plan
  • Empowering client
  • Effective for anxiety and depression
“Working with Andrew has been truly life-changing. His expertise in cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness techniques have helped me develop effective coping strategies to navigate the challenges of relationship issues and major life transitions.”
  1. Life-changing experience
  2. Expertise in CBT and mindfulness
  3. Effective coping strategies
  4. Helpful for relationship issues and life transitions
“Andrew’s unwavering support and practical guidance have been invaluable. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a mental health counselor who genuinely cares about their clients’ well-being.”
  • Unwavering support
  • Practical guidance
  • Highly recommended
  • Genuine care for clients

Andrew Smith’s client testimonials highlight his skills as a mental health counselor in California. His caring approach and effective therapy methods have helped many people. They have overcome mental health challenges and grown personally.

examples of andrew smith client testimonials

Approach and Philosophy

Andrew Smith uses cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness in his therapy. He helps people take charge of their mental health and reach their goals. He also builds trust and teamwork with his clients.

Comparison with Other Therapy Models

Andrew Smith’s therapy is different from just talking about the past. He mixes CBT with mindfulness. This helps his clients understand themselves better, fight negative thoughts, and find new ways to cope.

His method is more focused on solving problems than other therapies in California. He works with his clients to set goals, find obstacles, and take steps to change for the better.

Therapy Model Approach Emphasis
Traditional Talk Therapy Exploration of past experiences Insight and understanding
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Identifying and challenging negative thought patterns Developing practical coping strategies
Mindfulness-Based Therapy Cultivating present-moment awareness and acceptance Emotional regulation and stress reduction
Andrew Smith’s Approach Integrating CBT and mindfulness principles Empowering clients, goal-setting, and solution-focused interventions

Andrew Smith combines different therapies to give his clients a full plan for lasting change in their lives.

Contact Information and Resources

Andrew Smith, a licensed mental health counselor in California, is ready to help. You can find him in Los Angeles. Call him at (213) 555-1234 or visit his practice website to book an appointment.

Andrew offers counseling for individuals, couples, and groups. He helps with anxiety, depression, trauma, and relationship problems. For more info, check his website or contact him directly.

If you need more mental health support, check out California’s mental health resources. This list includes many providers, from community centers to specialized therapists. They all aim to give top-notch care and help people in California.

You can find this directory at []. Just look for the mental health resources section.

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